“To have a video chat with your lady you need to create a Skype account, sign in at our website to find her ID and click the video chat icon on her profile in order to make a live Skype call at an agreed time.” This is an instruction on arranging a live video chat by one of the matchmaking agencies. Surprisingly, but it is so that most of such type companies use this outdated and user-unfriendly approach.
But in this new decade started in 2020, users conversely are demanding even more seamless experience than a year ago.
Some facts and numbers
The global online dating services market (matchmaking, social dating, adult dating, and niche dating) is projected to reach $9.2 bn by 2025, growing at a CAGR of 4.7% from 2018 to 2025. The revenue in the matchmaking segment is expected to amount to US$3.286 bn in 2020.
Big players in the market even set trends and tend to change the industry. For instance, Tinder has become the top-grossing non-game app for the first time in years and its swipe-feature has gone far beyond the dating space.
On the other hand, there’s a booming tendency on video in communication and social media. Let’s look at the TikTok emerging success: it has over 2 billion downloads totally, and its popularity and influence are spreading. In 2018, European dating giant Badoo added a live video chat functionality to their apps.
These numbers and facts only show that live and asynchronous video communication is becoming the next big and dominant thing in social media and dating fields. Undoubtedly, it will also influence matchmaking platforms, as today the main problem of such services is keeping customers inside the ecosystem. It means producers will look towards all-in-one applications to provide a smooth uninterrupted experience.

Why user-friendliness matters
Many of the major players in the dating and matchmaking app field have been adding some form of video recently. Modern technologies allow integrating online live chats into your web site system or develop chargeable by minute video/audio/texting chat apps. After we’ve thoroughly researched the market and developed a peer-to-peer chatting platform with pay-per-minute or pay-per-session billing for the dating industry, it has become clear to us that user-friendliness is among the main criteria when it comes to the lifestyle applications. In matchmaking and dating space, mood and first impression really matter so you don’t want users being irritated or annoyed by the need to switch from one app to another and log in several times. All-in-one apps with audio/video chat possibilities can prevent them from falling off by delivering a premium service.
Instant chatting = Instant income
Possibility to switch to live video/audio chat instantly is the main advantage of this solution! Give your users a chance to talk comfortably face-to-face with their matches with video or audio right after the icebreaker message. And allow yourself to earn immediately! SEVEN PPM Audio/Video/Text Chat Core solution provides a genuine and reliable way for your single users to match and meet – talk through video/audio/text message, meet for a live video chat in addition to watching a profile video, making a connection, and helps you to develop your business via instant income from your users’ activity.
With SEVEN’s very own video/audio/text chat billing solution, your matchmaking app can offer an all-encompassing experience within one application.
- Text messaging: the simplest way to start a conversation and express the interest
- Audio chat: as in good old times, the chemistry starts with an audio call
- Video messaging: chargeable video messages exchange as a warm-up
- Video chat: the most comfortable way of communication and starting a relationship
You can provide your clients with an exclusive communication tool within the app to facilitate and exchange individual experiences and speed up the communication. Today, it is easy to even add a chat instant translation feature that enables connecting hearts speaking no other language but the language of love.
Only chemistry brings success
To prevent undesired activity, some additional measures can be created: audio and video chat may be only available for those who have a mutual match and have exchanged at least one message from both sides.
Custom audio/video chats with 90% confidence can solve the crucial problem for online daters of discovering whether there’s any chemistry with a match before the actual meeting.
SEVEN’s pay-per-minute video/audio chat core has been successfully implemented in one of our projects for the dating industry. Gaining momentum on the market, Mature Dating Mobile App developed for our client has confirmed the growing interest for chat billing software among the users and has revealed another option of monetization – providing a live video/audio chat features as a part of a premium package.
Modern technologies serve our needs and make our life easier, let’s just don’t hesitate to use them ourselves and provide users with them as well.