Custom Order Builder

Step-by-step B2C order processing solution for ROBUS, an international lighting company
Seven / Case Studies / Custom Order Builder


The client’s company faced the issue of a significant workload for their sales and support team. They were processing customer orders through phone calls, spending considerable time and resources on each conversion.
Hence, the product had to solve three main issues:

High costs of operational activities

Lack of automation in order processing

Limited scalability and customer experience

Key Functionality

To meet the challenge, we built a Web App and a PWA (Progressive Web Application). The product supports all necessary functionality for customers to build their orders without the assistance of the sales team and with minimized part compatibility risks:

Interactive order builder

In-depth filters

Order price calculation

Automated part compatibility check

Save/Edit/Print/Quote order

Offline use through PWA

Interactive Order Building Solution

We developed an automated order building and price calculation tool. It eliminates compatibility risks for each part by suggesting those options that work well together. This way, the customer can build their precise order independently online and offline, thanks to PWA, and get a price estimation without speaking to the sales representatives

Ensured Compatibility

One Stop-Shop for Orders

Streamlined Purchase Process

How it works?

User Interface

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Adaptive Design

Content-based Page Structure, Responsive Design Rules and Page Templates were the core of the adaptive design effort that allowed both the web app and PWA to adapt depending on the user’s device and its screen resolution


Include global & country-specific regulations

AI Technologies

Advanced solutions tailored to each project

Value Delivered

The application allowed the client’s team to respond to each order much faster, increasing customer satisfaction, conversion rate, potential for scalability, and more. Automated and precise order building process through the web app and PWA decreased operational costs, attracting more customers compared to the phone sales process.
We built a product that ensured:

Cost savings and increased operational efficiency

Improved sales conversion with compatible configurations

Streamlined ordering process with automated precision

Improved scalability and customer experience

Client Reviews


SEVEN got to our narrow choice with another company because their project breakdown was the most detailed one and their portfolio showed they had experience in building apps similar to ours. In the first meeting, I got the impression that we’re dealing with true professionals and that they understand our needs.
This project resulted in a powerful tool used by electrical contractors across the UK and Irish markets. Our internal sales team finds it much easier and faster to respond to customer orders since more and more of them are coming through the app now, rather than the phone. It’s a huge improvement in our customer service.


Digital Design & Project Lead

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