
Step-by-step Order Calculator PWA

For our client’s new product line, the SEVEN team has developed an easy-to-use Progressive Web Application offering users accurate shopping lists for their flexi-strip lighting projects.
Seven / Case Studies / Step-by-step Order Calculator PWA

The Project Goal

Our client, a global lighting company with a nearly 40-year long history in the market, asked for a convenient and cost-effective solution that would ease the process of calculating orders for the customers.

A step-by-step calculator configuring the right lighting project components was to be implemented on the company website and to function as a stand-alone browser app, as a Chrome extension.

The Solution

Our answer to the client’s business needs was a Progressive Web App (PWA) with smart algorithms’ use. Based on the strip type and length, it suggests which parts are necessary to build an optimal electrical circuit.

Main Functionality

The created application makes the complicated process of configuring the order simply by excluding the possibility of mistakes or incompatibility. On each next step, its algorithm offers the components only suitable for the previously chosen configuration.

Push notifications for upsale and easy contact with the customer

Step-by-step order calculator

Reviewing, editing, saving, and emailing the completed order

“Get a Quote” contact form

Compatibility check

Replaceable items selection

Value Delivered

The developed tool was so well-received in the UK and Irish markets that it has been decided to create another version of the product for the Australian and New Zealand markets. Our team was informed that sales funneled through the app outpaced phone sales, and the solution has enhanced customer service.

Technology Stack


Angular Material

Client’s Feedback

SEVEN got to our narrow choice with another company because their project breakdown was the most detailed one and their portfolio showed they had experience in building apps similar to ours. In the first meeting, I got the impression that we’re dealing with true professionals and that they understand our needs.

This project resulted in a powerful tool used by electrical contractors across the UK and Irish markets. Our internal sales team finds it much easier and faster to respond to customer orders since more and more of them are coming through the app now, rather than the phone. It’s a huge improvement in our customer service.

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